Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Live for me........

Live for me and I will live for you,
Life is so true for you and me, of course,
When we both touch the blue!

In this wilderness and madness
a rat race everywhere,
Somewhere you have lost me, and
I have lost you

What is the cost of lust
love, today charges too!

They said love knows no boundaries,
 say love knows no rules,
to have loved a man's poetry, after his death, is love too!

I have not known him,
Where he was born and where he died
Or,  what did he do, who cheated whom,
He had lots to say for sure  and I want him,
I confess with a sigh!

After years of his end, i find a few books
of his in debris,
I pick one, read through,
fall in love and think through the night,
what a man was he!

This ain't lust
This ain't love, maybe
These are the tears that want to flow
for the grave of his lost son
which he  mentions in his poetry, melancholy!

I am your disciple
Going on your principles,
Walking on the lines you drew.
Forgiving and forgetting your murderers
may be that's what you wanted to teach me professor,
I got the clue.

I love you is a small expression,
This world did not know you,
You live in me
so, live for me and I live for you.